The partnership hopes to start a pilot health promotion programme this year with Filipino seafarers.
You can read more about the partnership on the IOM website.
Brussels meeting to discuss Dublin Declaration
On the 1st April, EATG and AIDS Action Europe together with three MEPs organised a cross-party meeting in Brussels to discuss progress on implementing the Dublin Declaration. The meeting heard from WHO Europe representative, Martin Donoghoe, who presented key findings from the WHO/UNAIDS progress report on the Declaration. Other contributors included representatives from the EU Civil Society Forum on HIV/AIDS, DG SANCO, UNAIDS, ECDC and a number of MEPs. Attendees discussed a range of challenges in implementing the Declaration, including data collection, leadership and partnership and the need to continue working towards Universal Access.
A report of the meeting is available on the EATG website.
Clinical Trials: a community guide to HIV research
In March, i-base launched their new guide for advocates on HIV research.
The guide is written by and for people without medical training and aims to support advocates in discussing clinical research. It is actually one chapter from the i-Base advocacy manual published in booklet format and is available to download for free from